#1 tech recruiter in thailand

Our Services

ISM... #1 Tech Recruiter in Thailand
Contract Outsourcing of IT professionals and Permanent Recruitment for IT job openings.


We only do two things, and we do them with a drive and focus that keeps us ahead of the pack.

Contract Outsourcing – If you need IT resources with specific technical skills for a fixed term, we’ll send you candidates to interview and then put the ones you select on our payroll, but managed by you and working for you full-time. We’ll bill you monthly and when the contract ends, you’ll have no further obligation. (Our contracts also let you hire the contractor outright, for a reasonable recruitment fee.)

Permanent Recruitment – If your company is having a hard time finding qualified (and interested) candidates for mid- to senior-level IT jobs, give us a call. We can usually send an initial shortlist of vetted candidates within two weeks. All we need from you is a willingness to work together and to give us meaningful feedback on who you liked (or didn’t like), and why.


Our faverite word? Professionalism

Our Fevorite Word With Arial Font