ISM is always on the lookout for tech talent. We don’t wait until a client asks us to fill a specific job…
our mission is to maintain an up-to-date database of every skilled IT professional in Thailand (plus the resumes of non-Thai candidates with a proven ability to work here). That way, we can respond to our clients’ needs quickly and with the right people.
We fill technical, analytical, and managerial jobs at all levels, from Programmer, System Engineer, and Business Analyst, to CIO and CTO. For the IT industry itself we also provide executive search services, placing Account Executives, Sales Directors, and Country Managers with major multinational vendors.
Because all of our work is with IT positions, we fully understand the technical and commercial aspects of our clients’ needs. We work comfortably with either the hiring manager or the Human Resource department to make sure employers only spend time meeting candidates with the specific skills required.

Our faverite word? Professionalism